Mandy Henebry Stacking Storage Containers

Mandy Henebry Stacking Storage Containers


Stacking Storage Containers
12.5 x 6.5 x 12 inches


1 available
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Artist Statement

The work I create is intended to convey purpose and evoke curiosity and interest through patterns and form. I take inspiration from design elements found in everyday life such as, historic patterns, textiles, home décor and culture. I then consider how I can incorporate visual beauty into my work by adding texture, colored slips, and custom stencils to graceful forms. I view the surface of my pots as a blank canvas. Growing up in Wyoming, my childhood memories of expansive fields of flowing grain and colorful flowers in my grandmother's gardens greatly shape my surface patterns and color palette. I am also attracted to the clean, precise lines of digitally created images and the endless possibilities that technology continues to offer in the realm of ceramics. I enjoy making pots that serve a specific purpose, yet solve a need in a creative way.

Handmade lidded ceramic stacking storage containers.
Handmade lidded ceramic stacking storage containers.