Join Our Thriving Community of Artists
Clay Art Center offers access to private and shared studio space so local artists can work in a community setting. To become a studio artist, you must complete an application process, select a studio space, and commit to contributing time each month to community activities. Our artists are at the heart of Clay Art Center. We hope you consider joining us!
Learn more about current studio artists.

Types of Studio Space Available
Private Space
There are currently 23 private spaces and each one is designated to be a 100 square foot area equipped with access to electricity, shelves and a work table
Monthly Fee: $380.00
Access to a common, well stocked dry materials room, spray booth and glazing area.
Access to a common, well-stocked glazing area
Access to electric and gas kilns
24-hour access to CAC facilities
Communal Space
Artists Communal space is provided with individual shelves for storage and share the large common room which is equipped with electricity, tables, wheels, extruder, and a slab roller
Monthly Fee: $250.00
Access to well-equipped shared studio space featuring electric wheels, extruders, and slab rollers,
Access to a common, well stocked dry materials room, spray booth and glazing area.
Access to electric and gas kilns
24-hour access to CAC facilities
Associate artists have use of the glaze and kiln rooms and are assigned shelf space to facilitate glazing and firing
Monthly Fee: $115.00
Access to a common, well stocked dry materials room, spray booth and glazing area.
Access to electric and gas kilns
24-hour access to CAC facilities
Associate Artists are expected to contribute 21 hours per year to to communal activities and Artists with studio space are expected to contribute 36 hours per year.
Additional fees for kiln firing, parking and A/C.
Artists must ensure that the premises are neat, clean and secure when they leave.
How to Apply
Email Emily Peck, Executive Director for more details about the artist program and application process.