Welcome to the Clay Art Center Community Guide

These guidelines have been created to foster a safe, inclusive, and inspiring environment at Clay Art Center. Our goal is for all community members to experience a positive and respectful space where creativity can flourish, collaboration can thrive, and people feel respected and supported.

At the heart of our guide is Clay Art Center’s Mission and Vision:


Our Mission

Clay Art Center is dedicated to education, creativity, and community engagement in a diverse and inclusive space for studio practice, exhibitions, personal growth, and professional development.

Our Vision

Igniting a passion for clay and providing a nurturing community for that passion to flourish.



  • Lead with Positive Intent: Approach each interaction with the presumption that others mean well, nurturing a supportive and understanding community.

  • Engage in Respectful Interactions: Communicate calmly and constructively; please refrain from yelling or raising your voice in any discussions. Bullying of any kind, whether verbal, physical, or emotional, is strictly prohibited; we strive to maintain a safe and supportive environment where everyone can engage and create without fear.

  • Use Inclusive Language: Use the names, identities, and pronouns that others identify with as this creates an inclusive, welcoming space for all.

  • Be Open to Diverse Perspectives: Embrace a collaborative mindset focused on cultural sensitivity, anti-discrimination, and inclusivity. Encourage open dialogue and actively listen to underrepresented voices.

  • Enable Full Participation: Help foster Clay Art Center's commitment to providing accommodations and support to ensure all community members can fully participate.

  • Offer Supportive Feedback: Celebrate the achievements of all members, regardless of their role or experience, and promote growth no matter where people are in their artistic development.

  • Respect Boundaries: Honor personal and professional boundaries, including physical space and privacy. Always seek consent for interactions that may impact these boundaries.

  • Consider Others in Communal Spaces: Be mindful of your volume during conversations to ensure a peaceful and productive atmosphere for everyone in the studio. Cell phone use should be kept to a minimum to maintain a focused and respectful creative environment for all studio members.

What happens if I violate the Community Guidelines?

If you are unable to adhere to our community guidelines, Clay Art Center will either issue you a written or verbal warning, may inform you of steps you need to take to adhere to the code of conduct, and/or take steps to discontinue your participation in our studio and programming, either temporarily or indefinitely, depending on the severity of the violation. If you repeatedly violate community guidelines, you will be prohibited from Clay Art Center's studio, programming, and events.


Clay Art Center is committed to open communication and transparency while respecting confidentiality. If you have a concern that needs to be addressed, please reach out to one of the following people and we will work to address your concerns appropriately.

Emily Peck

Executive Director


914-937-2047 x222

Lucy McGrath

Program Manager


914-937-2047 x228

Sally Ng Briggs

Board President

