Colin Martin Spiked Teapot

Colin Martin Spiked Teapot


Spiked Teapot
Stained white stoneware, cone 6 electric
5 x 7 x 5 inches

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Artist Statement

As a potter, I see myself as a builder and through considered choices of form, texture, and shape, I strive to create functional pieces that enhance the user's connection with the object or space that the pots may hold. Many of my pieces are built from multiple sections and are joined to create dramatic relationships between both the individual elements of the piece as well as the positive and negative space of the piece as a whole. My forms are altered to create sharp, patterned edges and I use clays with sand and grog that can be trimmed and scraped to reveal texture. In both electric and atmospheric firings, I leave many of my pots unglazed as I believe that a raw surface can create a better connection and feel between the user and the piece. While I find significant influence in surfaces and details that I would see on jobsites, rust, concrete, masonry, I try to balance these industrial ideas with more playful elements in each piece that invite interaction.

Handmade lidded ceramic teapot.