Inspirational Instructors, Students, and Staff

This week we shine a spotlight on some of the incredible people in our Clay Art Center community.

Inspirational Instructors

On Saturday, June 22nd we will come together in our gallery to celebrate the artistic achievements of our Artists in Residence Evelyn Mtika (Rittenberg Artist in Residence), Schuyler Forsythe, and Jess Levin. The Opening Reception will take place from 6:00 - 8:00pm, complete with Artist Talks and light refreshments. Please join us to explore the creative work crafted by each Resident during their time at Clay Art Center. Free to the public. Learn more about Artists in Residence Exhibitions

All three Residents will be with us in our classrooms this summer sharing their skills with our students. See our list of open classes below, or visit our Summer Classes page to learn more.

Inspirational Staff

At Clay Art Center, we created our Community Arts Program to put clay into the hands of those who need it most and would not otherwise have access to the arts. Thanks to the support of our donors and grant funding, our programs reach out to our community’s most vulnerable youth, teens, seniors, and those with special needs, and help them come together to learn, create, and leave their stories behind for the next generation.

Learn more about Community Arts at Clay Art Center

Please join us in welcoming Brian Barry as the Community Arts & Offsite Programs Manager. We are excited to have Brian on the team! Originally from White Plains, Brian comes to Clay Art Center with experience in program development and coordination at Star Learning Center, a non-profit learning center in New York City. As a local resident of Port Chester, Brian is excited to foster deeper engagement with the local arts community. We look forward to all the great contributions Brian will make to our team and the wider community! Learn more on our Staff page.

Inspirational Students

Let’s celebrate lifelong learning! Meet Terry, an Independent Study student at Clay Art Center, whose curiosity for clay inspired her to begin making large-scale pots on the wheel. Terry took clay classes in graduate school and went on to have a career in graphic design. She returned to clay through Clay Art Center classes a few years ago and has been a part of our community ever since.

Terry says, “I had all this extra clay and I thought I should make some large-scale pots to use it up!” She has now completed ten large vessels in cone 10 stoneware, and we can’t wait to see how they turn out. Watch out for a glaze follow-up in a few weeks time!

Are you interested in becoming a clay student? Visit our Students page on our website to find out what classes are available for summer.