Margaret Henkels Geometry No. 7

Margaret Henkels Geometry No. 7


Geometry #7
4 x 8 x 4 inches


*This item is not for sale.

In memory of our friend Margaret Henkels.

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Artist Statement

I am interested in the passage of time and in the possibilities of transformation. I mark a moment (and define a space) by creating an object. The material I work with used to be something else: water dripping on rock produced clay. As I work with it, it becomes something else again. My method of building reflects my fascination with the possibilities and limitations of architecture. Where and why do I feel at home? Is it structurally sound, and do I care? How much can I get away with? The surfaces refer to the subtle gradations of color and the stony surfaces I seek in a landscape. I wonder about the messages spaces carry and how they come to be imbued with meaning. To me the works are both a place of rest and a mode of transportation to another world.

Handmade lidded ceramic storage container.
Handmade lidded ceramic storage container.