Black Lives Matter: A Statement from Clay Art Center
Dear Clay Art Center Community:
The nationwide protests we have been witnessing in the last several days over the death of George Floyd points to an underlying condition that has long been a part of our American culture. No aspect of our society, including the arts sector, has been untouched by these developments. At a time like this, we have to ask ourselves “what is the role of the arts when it comes to the wealth gap, health disparities and other inequities in our communities.” Art has always played an important role in interpreting, understanding and shining a light on important issues. In this regard, the Clay Art center cannot operate in a vacuum.
During this time, Clay Art Center staff and board will be thinking about how we move forward in light of these developments. While we stand behind and with those who condemn police brutality and we oppose racism in all its forms, the Clay Art center has a role to play as well. We will keep you informed on our next steps and discussions.
Emily Peck
Executive Director
Carol Chevlowe
Board Chair