Clay Art Center's Gala Fundraiser - A Record Breaker!

George Latimer, Westchester County Executive & Leigh Taylor Mickelson, CAC Executive Director

George Latimer, Westchester County Executive & Leigh Taylor Mickelson, CAC Executive Director

Clay Art Center celebrated 61 years with its 11th annual gala fundraiser on October 18th at Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison, NY. A fabulous crowd of over 230 enjoyed a wonderful evening of tastings from local restaurants, signature cocktails, live music, and an amazing silent and live auction, featuring one-of-kind ceramic artwork from nationally recognized artists, with celebrity auctioneer, George Latimer (Westchester County Executive) and a very lively Fund the Mission. As one of our guests said – “As always, a fabulous night with great friends that feel like family!”

This year we celebrated 20 years of our artist-in-residence program which has been the launching pad for many working ceramic artists today. And we honored Arial Edwards who was our Community Arts Director from 2009 to 2016, and the Carver Center that has been one of our most enthusiastic community partners over the past decade bringing arts enrichment to hundreds of Port Chester youths and families.

Thank you to everyone for making Clay Art Center's work possible. This year we raised a record $125,000. Your support provides over 1,000 scholarships for underserved and at risk youth to take clay classes where they grow and flourish; provides a place for emerging artists to gain experience and skills through our Residency program; offers hope and connection for people with special needs.

Enjoy the photos of the evening, and be sure to watch this special video, with current and past artist-in-residents sharing the impact Clay Art Center has had on their journey as an artist. Thank you for making our gathering the best ever, and keeping these vital programs strong.

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