Sponsor a Smile

Clay Art Center partners with YOU to make this a better world.

How do you make a thing as fleeting as creativity sustainable?  You pass it on, that’s how! In our classrooms a generation of children are discovering themselves in surprising and often hilarious ways. The look of wonder on a six-year-old’s face as their teacher makes a prehistoric dinosaur come to life is not easily forgotten. Or the shy smile of delight in a 12 year old who has just accomplished their first pot, a bit wonky, but functional nonetheless. These experiences build confidence and the patience for failure in children at an age where they are first beginning to perceive their place in the world.

This development is so crucial because it becomes the foundation for how they interact with their peers and how they set goals for themselves. Imagine this growth happening without a creative arts outlet. What you get instead is the inability to innovate, to problem solve and to appreciate a vision.This matters more than ever, and in Port Chester, we exist in a creativity dessert where children have little access to arts resources in or out of school. Our Sponsor a Child program is designed to bring the adventure of the arts to children who would otherwise not have it in their lives. By donating to Clay Art Center’s Sponsor a Child campaign you put clay into the hands of a child and kindle that first spark of creativity, which gives them a lifetime of awe and inspiration to look forward to. During this summer camp experience sponsored students will work with teaching artists during 30 hours of intensive arts exploration. Children will create sculpture or pottery to take home and grow a sense of confidence that will far outlast that first mug!

Children like Sanai came to camp last year and were indelibly touched by the power of clay,

“Clay is so special to me because I don’t have to do exactly what everyone else is doing. I can do me!! I can be myself!”

Help us give this gift to more than 35 children this summer. Sponsor a Child and secure the future of creativity.

This year we are excited to announce a grant award of $2,500 from the Lily Palmer Fry Memorial Trust. Help us reach our goal of $10,000 with your gift today!