Thank you for being part of Clay Art Center’s online Artist Talks and Demos Series. We are excited to work with you!
Please review the information below and complete this form. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:
How It Works
The Artist Talks & Demos take place live online through Zoom Webinars. For Artist’s Talks, artists can share a PowerPoint presentation. Some artists will also give a tour of their studio or have pieces ready to show on camera. Demos happen in the studio or similar location. We will work with you to determine the best way to present the demo. The events are scheduled for 1 hour, with most people giving a 40 to 45 minute talk or demo, and a Q & A session either afterwards, or stopping at pre-arranged points. Clay Art Center staff handles all the moderation, introductions, tech support and logistics of registration. Prior to the event, Clay Art Center staff will set up at least one practice session if you need it. If you are not familiar with Zoom Webinars, Clay Art Center staff will work with you to show you what to do. Clay Art Center staff can also help with slideshows where necessary.
The webinars are automatically recorded, but sharing to our Virtual Library after the event happens only with artist’s permission. You can specify if you do not want your talk to be made available after the event.
Fee structure for the Artist Talks/Demos:
1. To support our artist community, we offer a fee of $150 for the event.
2. Clay Art Center is a non-profit organization. Artists can donate their time for the webinar for free as we do not charge for the event, but rather allow people to donate a suggested amount if they wish. This helps us to fulfill our mission to provide free access to the public to educational clay programs, and at the same time, offer people the chance to donate to help those programs continue.
Online Shop Promotions
We also offer artists the opportunity to share their work in our online store. We actively promote both the event and the available artwork in our Featured Artist page on our website, as well as through e-blasts, social media platforms and our weekly newsletter. Shop sales are 60% to the artist, 40% to Clay Art Center.
After The Event
We will supply you with a full list of names and e-mail addresses of attendees for you to use to keep in contact with those who are interested in hearing about your work. If you have declined to make your event available through Clay Art Center’s Virtual Library, we will not share it anywhere at any time. If you have opted to share your event, we will edit it and add it to our Virtual Library. This Library is a free to the public educational resource, with a donation-based optional use.